Amphora No. 192 is out
Inside the issue:
Track Changes: Collectors of Born-Digital Material
Collecting digital evidence of the creation process is a conundrum for Spencer W. Stuart.
A Desire for Witchery
Foraging for ink pigments adds more than local colour, Charlotte Dawe learns from Caitlin ffrench.
Writing with Images
Bryan Gee focuses on the visual language of book design.
The Thrill of the Paper
Paper ephemera can sometimes be more exciting than the books that enclose it, David Mason discovers.
Designed, handset, printed and bound: The Aliquando Press of the William Rueter, 1969–2022.
The cover: Amphora layout artist Thomas Law presents an abstract composition of book pages.
Amphora, published by the Alcuin Society, appears three times a year with original articles about reading, collecting, and designing of some of Canada’s best-loved books. The magazine is included in our annual membership.