Call for Entries
Each year The Alcuin Society holds its book design competition Alcuin Society Awards for Excellence in Book Design in Canada. Call for Entries for books published in 2024 is now closed. Deadline was March 7, 2025.
To be eligible, a book must have been:
Published in 2024 by a Canadian publisher
Designed by a Canadian designer
Canadian editions, co-editions and simultaneous editions are eligible if designed and published in Canada in their entirety. There is no limit to the number of titles you may enter.
We welcome entries from experienced designers and design students alike.
Judges select books in nine categories to encourage the very best in Canadian design, only where they see exceptional merit. These are:
Children's Picture Books / Livres illustrés pour enfants
Comics/Graphic Novels / Bande dessinées
Limited editions* / Éditions à tirage limité*
Pictorial / Beaux livres
Poetry / Poésie
Prose: fiction / Romans et nouvelles
Prose: illustrated / Prose illustrée
Prose: non-fiction / Études et essais
Reference / Ouvrages de référence
*A note regarding the Limited Editions category:
Entries submitted in this category should be printed books in which the quality of craftsmanship, innovation, or experimentation is noteworthy. Both letterpress and digital printing qualify. There is no restriction on the number of pages, and they need not be bound. There must be at least three copies produced in one edition for the project to qualify. Books created as student projects will be accepted. Books not meeting the above criteria will not be included in the competition. All submissions in the limited editions category will be returned to the entrant, with one exception. Should the entrant of a winning book wish to have their book participate in the Frankfurt and Leipzig exhibitions and the international competition in Leipzig, they must agree to donate their book to the Deutsches Buch-Schriftmuseum; it is not possible for the competition organizers, the Stiftung Buchkunst, to return the books to Canada.
First, second and third prizes may be awarded in each category, with honorable mentions included. Winners will be notified as soon as possible prior to the official results announcement.
To enter, send:
One copy of each title being entered
Printed copy of the entry form (in either English or French) for each title
Printed copy of the online receipt for the total amount for the book(s) entered, or a cheque, or money order made payable to The Alcuin Society.
All entries must be received by March 7, 2025.
Please note that any book deliveries (in-person or via a courier) must be made Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.
The entry fee is $45 per title ($35 for Alcuin Society members). In addition, we are offering a discount of 15% for 4 or more entries.
We encourage you to become members; the annual fee is still only $50. You will receive the benefits of Membership including 3 issues of Amphora and a copy of the catalogue of the winners of the Excellence in Book Design in Canada.
You can pay via cheque or online by clicking the button below. Please make sure to include (1) a copy of your receipt of online payment and (2) a copy of the printed out entry form in your package even if your payment is made online.
Please write to:
Chester Gryski
Alcuin Awards Director